Welcome from Albie & Elizabeta


Earning Online Adventure


Islands in the Sky 
Cloud City

Okay, Let's Continue!

The Strange Book

As they both had look into the book, they see the pages fall open
to a scene of someone 
sleeping soundly on a chair. The home they
had suddenly appeared in, had seemed familiar. And then it had

dawned on them. They were looking at themselves!
 For Robin, it was he looking at himself on that page.
And for the warrior, the same. And there had been

 a story written about what  had happens to them
there and the could
 read it. 

It had talked about how there were times in thier lives where
they had lacked the courage to do something bold and new. They had
To take missed the 
chance because of a little risk. They had decided to stay home
where it was safe and 
let life forever stay the same. They had not risked growing
or moving forward. They had both 
by-passed pain
and the chance to learn something new. 

And then the words had changed again. This time they had seen
the same picture of themsleves sleeping but the words were different.
This time it had said: "Will you not 
go forward? Will you not perservere?
Will you head forward away from safety and
accomplish something of conscequence?" 

"Hmm..." Robin had said aloud to himself. Then
he had remembered standing at the walls of the arch once more.
The words "know thyself" suddenly had stood out again
from the Archway. 
The message had made Robin think. 

They now had turned the page and again saw a strange world 
surrounded by water. It had made them want to dive into it
and feel the cool water all around them.

Beautiful fishes had swum by and large 
monsters of the sea. And on the sand and rocks they
had seen the words again. T
his time they could all read it now:

"The water washes the dirt away. All

the evil and hate and anger. You feel clean and beautiful and majestic!"
Surely, they thought, "It's been a long time since they had felt this way."
Robin had remembered a time when he had lived a life
without evil influences and regret.

A whole lifetime suddenly flashes before your eyes and you could 
swear you lived a whole life here. You wonder if such a majestic life is 
really possible. Even if it's not (you doubt) you feel like you want
to reach out and take 
what you can of it. 

You then turn the page. If you're a man you see a beautiful woman 
sleeping in a midst of clouds and words. And if you're a woman, you see a handsome
man there. You have this urge to jump into the page and be with them.
For a moment in time, you wish you could hold them, kiss them and touch their soft skin.

But then you read the words written everywhere on the page. And the words
say: "Beauty is skin deepLove is endless and thinks more 
of giving happiness, then getting. It's patient when it doesn't want to be
and its kind and compassionate when you wish sometimes to be otherwise. 
But don't worry, good things and fultillment of desires
come to those who wait." 

And so you decide to let the sleeping beauty rest and turn the page.

 On this page, you see an undead lord standing in a forest
with his magic sword, his undead dog with terrible teath and
his black dragon. The words "evil" and its definition appear
all over the page. You suddenly become snared in the glance of the 
undead lord. You can't seem to move. His words pierce your heart: 
"Endless power and every desire you want can be yours - just 
surrender to me..." 

You suddenly break free from his snare as you realize what he gives
comes with the ultimate price of death to your soul.
Frightened, you turn the page quickly.

On this page you see your mother working hard and are suddently
reminded with force, the family debt and what you must do to rectify the
situation. Your mother suddenly says to you: "you must not fail". 

"I will not fail you mother!" you exclaim.

"It is settled then" the mysterious girl exclaims. "We have 
something to help you earn the money for your family."
Suddenly the room grows dark around
you and your friend and then an explosion
of light blinds you.

The "Magic Book"

When your eyes stop seeing streaks of light, you notice a strange "book"
before you on the floor. As you bend down to inspect it, a strange voice
talks to you in your mind explaining how to open it. You do so and see 
strange buttons upon its face and a light glowing "inside it".
You hear the voice to touch any button and in doing so
you suddenly see faces of people "magically" appear.
Later you will understand that this is on what is called
the "screen". The mysterious girl then walks up to you
with a leather bag and takes the "book" from
you and places it in the bag.

"Keep it in here whenever you're not using it." she says.
"It will protect it...from every danger" she says with emphasis on 'every'.
You nod in agreement. Now, you must continue." She says pointing
to the book and you walk back up and
turn the page once more. 

This time the page opens to a castle near a lake. On the 
opposite side of the page is a rocky cliff. The water in the lake looks so 
real and tranquil with the soft wind blowing over its face. The wind blows 
gently through the branches. It looks so real and you look up at your 
friend to see what they think. You both agree, it looks amazing. 

"You have a choice to enter the magic book

or to stay here." The mysterious girl suddenly says to you both. 
What do you decide? You decide to enter...


The "Magic Book"

When your eyes stop seeing streaks of light, you notice a strange "book"
before you on the floor. As you bend down to inspect it, a strange voice
talks to you in your mind explaining how to open it. You do so and see 
strange buttons upon its face and a light glowing "inside it".
You hear the voice to touch any button and in doing so
you suddenly see faces of people "magically" appear.
Later you will understand that this is on what is called
the "screen". The mysterious girl then walks up to you
with a leather bag and takes the "book" from
you and places it in the bag.

"Keep it in here whenever you're not using it." she says.
"It will protect it...from every danger" she says with emphasis on 'every'.
You nod in agreement. Now, you must continue." She says pointing
to the book and you walk back up and
turn the page once more. 


You both decide to continue and you're suddenly falling into the air.
Your bodies 
feel like you fell out of a window and you're falling into space. 
But then you land with a crash into the lake! 

You come up for air...

into the beautiful lake you saw in the book...

When you come up for air, you feel part of the beauty all around you.
The crystal water flowing around you, the crisp air in your lungs
and the slight breeze that flows and creates
patterns over the water of the lake. The water is a warm like in 
summer. Your friend emerges from the depths and together
you swim to shore, feeling very invigorated.

While swimming to shore, you remember the bag with the magic book"
over your shoulder. As soon as you get to shore, you 
the bag and look inside. The magic book isn't wet
at all. You look in wonder and smile. "its still perfect!"
Your friend smiles back at you. You then are a 
tired from all the swimming and lay out on the 
grass in the hot sun to dry off. 

Once you're both dry, the "magic book" is the first 
thing that comes to mind and you decide to go 
sit under the nearest tree and take the book
out of the bag. You want to learn all you 
can from this and your friend seems 
as eager as you to see it too. Once
it is open, it begins to "talk to you"
in your mind once more 
explaining exactly how to use it.

You both now get up and stretch. You walk
around the lake looking for something of interest. 

"I wonder where the 
castle we saw in the book is." You say. 
You both look in every direction looking for it.

A minute later your friend sees the castle hidden through the trees

on the other side of the lake. You close and secure the buttons to the bag for the
"magic book" and then you both walk around the lake 
and up the hill and
after crossing over fallen branches, 
fallen yellowing leaves and
rocks and roots protruding from 
the trees, you finally
stumble on a marvelous cobblestone path 

leading up the castle gates.

The Vision in the Sky

You walk up to the castle and realize from sudden shadows
everywhere, that darkness is starting to take over the day. 
The sun is slowly turning dark and before you even reach 
the castle walls, the night sky, full of stars, has eclipsed the light.

"You know..." you comment to your friend: "this is the
strangest thing I've ever seen".
"Stranger then falling into a book?" your friend replies.
"Well, no." you agree. "I dare say, we've seen more strange 
things in this week, than in our whole life!" 

"This is true!" your friend answers as you come to the gate of the 
castle and enter inside.

You wander through the city
behind the walls of the castle. You pass a few merchants wearing
warm woolen hats and ask where a place to stay for the night. 
Soon you get into a brief discussion:

"Did you see how quickly the sky turned dark?"
You ask a friendly merchant.
"Oh yes!" He answers. "It was the king leaving."
"The king leaving?" you answer back mystified.
But he doesn't say anything more about it. 
You look at your friend and he has the same expression
of bewilderment in his eyes. 

The merchant then points you to an inn.
You say thank you and go towards it.
When you arrive, you both realize that the money
you have is no good here to pay for a room.

 Either way, eventually you both sleep.

As you're dreaming, you hear a voice speaking to you.
You wake up and it's still dark. All is quiet.
If you were in the forest or in the castle room, you now realize you have been
transported, as in a dream, to a luxurious room in the king's palace.
You wonder how you got here as you brush aside
the silky curtain and look out the window.
You can see from this upper room out over the castle walls
and see a river flowing beyond dark trees.
You can also see the bright stars above.

The voice speaks again but this time you don't hear it audibly.
You still jump slightly in surprise.
You only hear the words in your heart and feel the presence.
The presence burns your heart like a glowing fire. 

As you look out of the window up at the stars,
you see the light of a star getting bigger and bigger.
Or is it in your mind only and just a dream? Either way,
you feel the presence of love and brilliant

You notice the night sky seems full of glory, or is it the 
glory you feel inside? Intense light shines out of your eyes.
You can't see it but you can feel it. You feel distinctively different.
You feel powerful, amazing, like a lion.
As if you were once a peasant made into a prince! 
As if you were once a shack, and you are now as
majestic as a palace. 

You feel like a glass house. Like everyone can see into your heart.
In the past there was darkness, but now there is nothing now to hide.
Every enemy is now forgiven. And you feel a boldness like 
the fiercest of warriors. Death is just a bridge in your path.

Your whole life has changed and you decide to take a 
stand from that moment on for love and truth and goodness. 
You decide to fight evil and for what is right. Your eyes soon grow 
tired and you return to your four-poster bed
and close your eyes, feeling brand new! 

The next morning, you wake up. You had the strangest of dreams where 
you were sailing in a boat on a new mission the king had given you.
You jump off the ship and wake up.
You're in the palace room. You remember everything and how you got here.
You get dressed and peek down at the river through the window that you saw last night.
Yes, it is still there. You eventually wander out to find your friend. 
None of the guards questions you,
which leaves you wondering about everything

that happened last night. But, yes it was real.
You still feel different, changed and power flowing
through your heart. 

You happen to look over the castle wall and see again the large 
river down below. The river reminds you briefly of your dream. 
You look curiously for a boat but don't see anything.

You walk briskly down to where you were "taken" from your friend
and find him still there sleeping. After waking him up, you describe everything that
happened and he looks at you strangely, wondering
what really happened to you. It's obvious to him that whatever happened, you definitely
believe it and seem excited about it. You both then leave and walk for half an hour
down the path from the castle to a tiny village
near the river. After asking some questions a friendly 
villager, you find out that a boat is leaving later that morning going 
downriver to the next village.

"We should get on that boat," you say much to your own surprise.
"Really?...Why?" your friend responds.
"A new mission!" you say with a conviction that catches 
even your own attention. 

"Hmm," he grunts indecisively.
"Well, it's not like we're doing anything else important here." 

You both walk down to the river's edge, looking for the boat. 

Soon, you find the boats. A man is loading one of them 
and getting the sails ready.

"Hello!" You say boldly, walking up to him. "Would t
here be any way
that my friend and I could both come along? Unfortunately, we don't have any money...
perhaps there would be something we could do...?"

"Not normally!" He replies, negatively. "This really is
the strangest thing!" he then adds. "Three
sailors came down sick just this morning and then you two lads showed up!"

"Well, we're ready to do anything." Your answer.

"If you both are willing to haul the lines and row
then you can come," he says.

You both agree, amazed, and nod your heads in agreement.
However, under the surface, you both wonder if this is the worst decision you've 
ever made.

"What if you are forced to stay with the ship as a slave?" You think flinching.

"Well, my name's Tom." he then adds as he walks to the edge of the boat
and puts out his hand to shake yours. You edge nearer the shoreline and the water
and shake his hand. 

"Nice to meet you, Tom. My name's (say your name) and this is (say the 
name of your friend)." 

"We're heading to the next village. You're aware of that?"
Tom says before you pick up a bag to help him load it into the boat. 

"Yes, they told us in the village." Your friend answers.

"Ok then," he answers. "That's right...give us a hand with these
here bags."

Within the next hour, the rest of the crew arrive and help load what remains.
Two sailors push the boat off the sand into the water and wade into the water with it.
Once the boat is free of the land, they jump in and the men use a large oar to push
the boat further from land. They then begin to set the sails. 

 "Heave, heave!" they all shout as you help pull up the halyard
and the sail and the crossbar rise to the top, up the mast. 

 You then all help haul the lines that control the sail 
on each tack down the river. 

 The river is really big and the banks on the other side of 
the river is clouded in mist due to the distance.
You sail down the river all day, enjoying the sights of the trees, the wind that
comes up and blows on your back.

At midday, the crew open some of the supply bags and
you both eat grub with the crew. 
 This happens again before sunset as you all sail
into the night. The crew seems ok, a little perverted
with talk of nothing but base desires 
but smiling and laughing at least.

The following day, the river begins to rush faster 
and faster. "Do you have any boots then?" Tom asks 
you curiously. 

"No, we have only our own shoes," you comment. 

Tom then reaches into a leather bag and
pulls out two pairs of odd-looking leather boots. 
"Here, you will need these," he says handing them to you. 

"Put them on now," he says imperiously.

"But we're fine, these..." you begin to say in protest. 

"Just put them on now!" he commands and catches
the port shroud as he crosses from the stern to the bow.

You can decide to listen to him and put them on or put them down
and ignore him. Just remember what you decide!

You come to a fork in the river. The river is terribly
dangerous now. Any thought of jumping out has 
long time gone. The river is steaming with crashing 
water over cruel rocks below the surface. Around the 
bend, the white spray rises higher than the mast. You 
both look at each other in pure fear. You approach another 
friendly sailor by the name of Sigrid.

"This looks like we're coming to a waterfall!"
you say with the innocence of
a child." 

"Yes!" he looks back at you with a grin. "Get ready. You might 
want to hold on to something," he says matter-of-factly. 

You both can't believe this. It's too strange for words. Would 
Do they really dare to run the ship off a waterfall? 

Waterfall over the Books Edge

Your ship runs to the edge of the waterfall. You can't 
even see through the cloud of vapor and crashing water 
all around you. Suddenly the ship tilts dangerously 
forward and you can't help but hold on in sheer terror. 
You can't but help watch the other crew as their faces 
look hard and silent like they've done this before and 
just preparing for the drop. 

The ship suddenly pulls forward and with a terrible lurch,
falls off the waterfall into an endless sea of sky and air.
You both scream as you feel yourself falling into weightless air.
The water from the falls turns into water vapor and then into the clouds.

The earth falls out from under you and you find yourselves flying away from
the ship. The only thing holding you to the vessel is your
hands grasping the rope shrouds with every inch of strength you have in your body.
A few sailors are holding on to nothing and fly away into the clouds.
You're both greatly dismayed!

The sail jerks with an explosion of air such
as you have never seen in the two days aboard the ship.
You thought the mast would break and the sail rips to shreds.
But it holds and suddenly the ship is flying through the air
like it was born for the sky! 

 "We're flying!" You shout as water from the waterfall,
falls like rain all around you. 

 The bow pulls forward through the clouds like this was 
a natural occurrence. The wind whips past the crew and ships like
in a storm but you both hold to the ship for dear life. 

Our ship sails through the sky for hours.
Suddenly the two sailors who fell out of the ship, appear from above
falling fast toward us. They suddenly move with such precision
and you think you must have mistaken them for angels.
Shouts go out from the crew: "Henson! Eric!"

It's definitely the sailors
as they come to land with purpose aboard. 
As they do, You see green transparent wings flapping from the side
of their boots. You look down at your leather boots (if you put them on that is)
and see the same wings beating like a live bird on your own feet. If 
you hadn't put them on, then the special boots fell overboard during the fall
and you lost them. 

Finally as night comes on, you're beginning to get used to the constant rushing
of the wind past your ears as you sail through the sky. You're getting 
really tired, but there's no sleeping in these circumstances. 

 Your eyes begin to shut but you refuse to sleep. You're struggling to
stay awake when you see an island in the sky slowly 
approaching. It's like a dream.
You can't imagine how such a place exists.

Before the hour is out a shout goes out to make haste.
You don't know what's happening, but you are ready nonetheless. 

Three crew members pass ropes out to each of you near the oars. 
You follow the others to tie off the ropes to the mast and run your
line through your car port. The Mate suddenly yells and everyone 
cries and jumps overboard holding onto the ropes.

You follow too, wondering
if you're that crazy to do the same. You do! You fall through the air but
are brought to a stop as your hands grasp the rope tightly.
The weight of the crew pulling the boat down to the earth
brings the ship to the ground on the island. 

 Soon your whole crew has been invited to stay in the castle
by the villagers living there. You are walked into a giant hall
and given a hammock to sleep on and soon fall fast asleep,
dreaming of falling through the sky. 

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